Ben Skywalker (Star Wars) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:113537
Name:Ben Skywalker
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Star Wars
Date Added:July 16, 2022
Height:6.00 inches
In the Expanded Universe, Ben Skywalker was the only child born to Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker before Disney banished the EU to "Legends" and usurped his name for a Solo.

There aren't many images of Ben, since most of his appearances are in novels, but I saw a few images online and one resembled a head cast I saw on eBay from Star Wars Geek, so I decided to use it. Not sure who's head it originally was. Because he appears mostly in Jedi garb, I used the old Black Series Episode III Kenobi since it always felt smallish anyway, and loooked about right for a teenager in the line. But to not just toss a new head on it, I decided to add some browns to make it look more of its own and repainted the boots. Not the most complicated of customs, but one I'm happy to add to my slowly growing EU shelf.

Thanks for looking!


User Comments
Boots Bailey -
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Good job on the Ben custom! I really liked how the Timothy Zahn novels and expanded universe set things up for Han & Leia to have the 3 kids. Any plans on doing Jacen or Jaina?
MJS1977 -
Monday, July 25, 2022
Nice! Love the Skywalker family group shot too
packerbacker180 -
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Thanks. I'm actually reworking that Mara to blend better with Black Series. Should be done soon.
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