MvC2 Gambit (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:11441
Name:MvC2 Gambit
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Creator:Jin Saotome  
Date Added:December 14, 2008
Base Figure:Union Jack
Height:6.00 inches
"Don' mess wit de' Cajun!"
Gambit returns and this time in the Marvel vs Capcom 2 style like the ingame sprite. I made sure to style him from the sprite and not the artwork, giving him a lighter colored jacket and the spikey hair that flips over to one side. The body and hands are from the Target Red Hulk wave Union Jack, head is a DC Universe Superman Blue, lower legs and collar piece from the original ML Gambit, and the coat is from the Nick Fury Ult Cap 2-pack. The hair was sculpted by hand from Fixit Sculpt and took quite a while to do each individual piece. The kenetic cards he's holding were made from styrene strips and clear blister figure package.

User Comments
Mr.Mott12 -
Monday, March 1, 2010
I like everything but I wish the hair would be just a bit more defined. it almost looks like play-doe.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
What is styrene and where can I find it? OH... Relly Cool Gambit BTW. I might make one my self sincve I never had a Gambit figure...period.
Henchmen4Hire -
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The coat looks pretty neat
The Real Question -
Sunday, December 14, 2008
sonofred79 -
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thats one of my favorite X-Men.Cool Gambit man.I love it.
Top-notch comix -
Sunday, December 14, 2008, love this figure
Unknown User -
Sunday, December 14, 2008
best gambit ever!!!
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