Aayla Secura (Star Wars Episode III) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:115841
Name:Aayla Secura
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Star Wars Episode III
Date Added:June 4, 2023
Base Figure:Black series Aayla Secura
Height:6.00 inches
Completion Time:72.00 hours
Articulation:22 points
Aayla Secura is my favorite female Jedi and was excited when Hasbro announced they were making her in a 6" scale for the Black Series. After finally getting her in hand, I felt she needed some minor improvement to her overall paint and face. Repainted most of her outfit to bring out the details and repainted her face to get rid of the "blank stare" she had. Hope you enjoy!

User Comments
packerbacker180 -
Monday, June 5, 2023
Nice work on her, the eyes are a great improvement.
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