Greatest American Hero (Marvel Icon) Custom Action Figure
Custom #: | 11609 | Name: | Greatest American Hero | Custom Type: | Action Figure | Toy Series: | Marvel Icon | Creator: | pinkspacedog  | Date Added: | December 23, 2008 | Base Figure: | flame-ON Human Torch Icon | Height: | 12.00 inches |
Well first, Happy Holidays to everyone. OK, the flames were cut off this figure, and any holes were filled in with apoxie. The belt was made with fabric tape. The white bands at the wrist and on the boots are leather strap glued with idb. The afro is apoxie and is hand stipled. It looks kinda like coral. The skirt is permanently attached. The last picture is the Captain congatulating the Hero on being so great.  Please wait... |
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you really has a big imagination