The Orb (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:116487
Name:The Orb
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Date Added:September 10, 2023
Base Figure:Blue Devil
Height:6.00 inches
Completion Time:40.00 hours
Articulation:18 points
Sooo.... This was fun. About a week into the custom they announced the Marvel Legends Orb in the Puff Adder BAF wave. It is getting tough to find the characters that Marvel Legends won't make. But the official release had a different costume and I decided that he would be a henchman. More than halfway done and I broke his crotch. Poor guy. I replaced with a crotch from the fodder bin, but it was not a perfect fit. I wound up gluing thigs in place. No more waist articulation. I sculpt the details with milliput and found a bag of eyeballs in the hallloween decorations, (yes, he is a year old). I found a four pack of bikes at Costco and customized one for the Orb. Let me know what you think.

User Comments
packerbacker180 -
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Eye hate when I start a custom and an official gets announced soon after. Eye think the different costume makes him still worth the effort. Eye think he needs some Visine, though.
HectorHall -
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Eye appreciate the inSIGHT
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