Mordru the Merciless (DC Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:117316
Name:Mordru the Merciless
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:DC Universe
Date Added:January 18, 2024
Base Figure:DCUC Desaad
Height:6.00 inches
Mordru the Merciless is a DC Comics villain who debuted way back in 1968 where he faced the combined might of the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America of Earth-2. But I was more familiar with him as a foe of the 30th century Legion of Super-Heroes. But man, is his Pre-Crisis origin some pretty crazy stuff with Gemworld golems and brothers and possessions. Go read it if you don't believe, I'll wait here. It's no wonder Post-Crisis he was rewritten as just a timeless Lord of Chaos because that was a lot easier to follow, but he was also de-aged and then was revealed to be possessing the body of a Lord of Order and well, things don't get much less convoluted.

But this version is based more on his Pre-Crisis Silver Age appearances. To create him I started with the DC Direct version of Mordru pilfering both his head and the skirt the figure wore which had to be dremeled quite a bit to fit properly, which was fun because DC Direct decided the best way to make Mordru capable of turning his head was to place the peg in the middle of his chest and the peg hole in his beard because, reasons, I guess. But hey, at least nothing broke or snapped while I was disassembling him so that's better than most DC Direct figures I've ever touched have fared. Besides those pieces I used a DCUC Desaad upper body and arms, the legs from a Young Justice Superboy, and hands from a Marvel Legends Baron Mordo since they looked a little more aged but had that sorcery spellcasting look to them. And then it was a matter of matching purples and skin tones since I didn't have to paint the head at all, that was a nice little reprieve.

Sadly, Mordru was a commission, so I won't be adding him to my own collection, but since my collection is in storage, perhaps someday when I take them out again, I'll look to make one for myself since he's a pretty prevalent LOSH villain, and there aren't really many of those in the Mattel line. But until then...

Thanks for looking!

User Comments
Boots Bailey -
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Hey great to see you back on here with some new customs as you always make great figures that were never made! Did you change your email address? I had sent a few messages over the past year but didn't hear back and was thinking that maybe you weren't getting them, but have been reaching out hoping that you're doing ok and that we could eventually connect again. Would like to commission a few more figures if you're interested. This Mordru turned out great. I had always hoped they the 4 Horsemen would do a C&C style version as I remember him growing huge in some of the comics I read.
Rob on the Job -
Friday, January 19, 2024
Best Mordru ever! I really like your work ...
packerbacker180 -
Friday, January 19, 2024
Thanks so much, appreciate the comment!
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