Jared Nomak (Marvel Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:119727
Name:Jared Nomak
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Universe
Date Added:January 5, 2025
Base Figure:Gamerverse Ryu
Height:3.75 inches
The best Blade movie! I know some still prefer the first one, but it drags on a bit for me. The second one is a great follow up. They ramp up the stakes with a stronger vampire that hunts vampires, and Blade has to team up with the Blood Pack. I briefly considered those guys, but they are greatly unimpressive. Which people laugh at, but that was also the point. Showing how immensely outmatched the vampires are against Blade. They put together a wide range of strengths and skills and not a single one would have stood a chance. That said, Nomak is an awesome villain. He's tragic, has a great story, but Blade still has to take him out. Awesome movie. Blade movie group shot! Abigail, Jarko, Nomak, and Hannibal King!

Head was a cast from Craniac. This one I actually kinda like. Hands were from a BossFight male blank. Lower legs were from a Gamerverse Collector with feet from Sandman. Sculpted the boots and bottom of the pants, shirt, coat, sleeves, scarf, and full jacket and hood. Full repaint, and all done!

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