Movie Venom (Marvel Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:119735
Name:Movie Venom
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Universe
Date Added:January 6, 2025
Base Figure:Avengers Assemble Hulk
Height:5.00 inches
That third movie was an unpleasant watch. None of the movies have been amazing, but they're still a bit entertaining. I have no issues with Sony doing a Spiderverse without Spiderman, but I do hate them making them bad. Any of these could work. Dark stories focusing on the villains sounds like a great, fun idea. They just can't stop turning everyone into heroes. It's really annoying with Venom since he already fits the anti-hero mold well, and has a fantastic and tragic backstory. Sure, you have to alter a few things if you don't have Spiderman around, but it can still work. I hate they bombed with these movies so hard. Building to a Sinister Six movie could have been really cool.

Head was from a Marvel Select Venom. Dremeled it to fit, then sanded down the pants. From there, a full repaint, and all done!

User Comments
Bedlam610 -
Monday, January 6, 2025
Whoa dude came out crazy dope good job 👍👍👍
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