X-Men 3 Human Form Colossus (X-Men - Movies) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:12176
Name:X-Men 3 Human Form Colossus
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:X-Men - Movies
Date Added:January 19, 2009
Base Figure:Marvel Legends X3 Colossus figure
Height:6.50 inches
Well, I don't think anyone has done this yet (at least not that I've seen), but I decided to do a custom of Poitr "Pete" Rasputin, better known as COLOSSUS in his human form as he appears in most of his scenes in X2 as well as X3.

It took some time, but the process wasn't all that difficult. I basically took the Marvel Legends X3 Colossus and used the sanding bit on my dremel to smooth out all the ridges on his arms and head. I then repainted his arms and head a flesh tone, painted his hair a dark brown, gave him eyebrows, and finished it off with a couple eyeballs.

That was about it. Let me know what ya think! :c)

User Comments
Cocaegelo -
Monday, November 16, 2020
Duude, this is great! it's genius!
JeddTheJedi -
Monday, August 13, 2012
Really good skin tones! Brings out the sculpt better than the metallic paint of the original.
Unknown User -
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
this is really good I never thought of doing this well done
ruredi2roc -
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thanks so much for the comments, y'all. Much appreciated!
Actually evanjones1, it's funny you mention a mid-transformation figure. The 2nd photo posted was made using photoshop and just splicing bits of a photo of "Colossus" on to "Poitr". After I did that, I actually thought to myself, "I should make a figure that looks like that...but better looking and more thought-out, of course.
Brammarley -
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I'd buy one as well. Awesome job. I had to look at it twice to make sure it was the same figure.
evanjones1 -
Monday, January 19, 2009
I'd totally pick one up if it were real! You should make a mid-transformation one!
Lokoboy -
Monday, January 19, 2009
cool, very well done. love it!
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