Iron Man (Iron Man) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:12195
Name:Iron Man
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Iron Man
Date Added:January 19, 2009
Base Figure:Heroes Reborn Iron Man
Height:6.00 inches
Here is my first Iron Man custom(all the others were different versions but never actually the shiny bad a$$ red and gold). Used a Heroes Reborn body and a Transformers Crossover Iron Man head. Snazzy paint job and he was done. Thanks for looking! The winner of his auction asked me if I could repaint the original head of this figure so he can swap them if he wishes. Made it happen and included a pic. Thanks for looking.

User Comments
TonyzCustomz -
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thanks a bunch! Both Kyle Robinson and Jin Saotome have tutorials I believe for the technique I used. Laid down a coat of Vallejo Games silver then painted over it with Testors Model Masters Clear Red and Tamiya Clear Yellow, after I was done I clear coated him with gloss. Hope this helps.
Thanks very much! I did mod the chest, shaved off the piece with an exacto knife and sanded it flush. For the new chest piece I used the base of a sword handle that came with a shockini figure.
vidmouse -
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
You modded the chest, too right?
Did the original chest piece come off as a separate piece or did it have
to be filed/dremeled down? What did you use for his new Uni beam?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What kind of gold did you use or technique. I am looking to n Iron Man and I either get very dull gold or it will look more yellow. I think the Transformer head looks better on this figure good job.
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