Marth (Nintendo) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:12551
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Nintendo
Date Added:February 10, 2009
Base Figure:Black costume Spectacular Spider-man
Height:6.00 inches
Prince Marth from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon as well as Super Smash Bros. Melee/Brawl.

Head-- Wonder Woman (D.C. Universe)
Body-- Black Costume Spider-Man (Spectacular Spider-Man)
Cape/lower part of tunic -- Ares (D.C. Universe)
Hands-- Forge (Marvel Legends)
Falchion Sword-- Sai from generic ninja figure

Sadly, even after using a female face, it still looks a little too masculine for Marth.

User Comments
Henchmen4Hire -
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Looks cool, and really, if you want an androgynous anime head, your best bet is to go to the swap meet or something and look for cheap anime PVC figures to harvest for heads lol
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