Movie Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:13213
Name:Movie Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Creator:da man  
Date Added:March 11, 2009
Base Figure:TNA Wrestler
Height:7.00 inches
Another fun one that I made for a website, I wanted to do a Ryan Reynolds Deadpool, so I took a couple of TNA Wrestlers, put em together with some Electra weapons and boom! I think the likeness to Ryan Reynolds is pretty close :)

User Comments
Unknown User -
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The head came from a TNA Sonjay Dutt figure, I know that much...can't believe I never saw the likeness before...darn.
Well now I have to do that. And take my Hannibal King figure and give him a new head.
Unknown User -
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Really? Bugger Although if this means we get scabbie DP for the future that's better! Wonder why Ryan wouldn't do the scars and mouth wired shiut too unless it's for the stunts...?
captainsnikt -
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hey guys, I hate to reign on parades an all. But baraka deadpool and ryan reynolds deadpool are one and the same. It wasn't a packaging screw up. Ryan Reynold's wade wilson become the baraka joke after stryker meddles with his dna, he get other mutants powers and has his jaw wired shut. Luckily wolvie apparently hacks him up and he gets all melted. His healing factor kicks in and the merc with a mouth who we all know and love is born. So technically. they are both movie deadpool.
Oh and which wrestlers face is it, cus I have to steal this recipy dude. Theft is afterall the greatest form of flattery
Unknown User -
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hey VP,
Apparently Hasbro screwed up on the packaging for that figure you saw. Dude witht he arm blades and scarring is Weapon XI played by a different actor who has a mish mash of mutant powers including Cykes eye blast and Wolvies healing. Ryan is still Deadpool
Gotta agree though that is a great likeness. Can we see a shot with one of the Logan figures from the movie if you have one? Just for geeks sake
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I am getting confused...I saw a movie Deadpool figure the store yesterday and it was bald, had red paint designs on his head and torso, and had a long claw comming out of each hand like Baraka from mortal combat. In the most recent trailor they show the bald one having cyclops' powers. Are these 2 versions one in the same, or is Ryan Reynolds playing someone else perhaps.
Either way I am a Ryan Reynolds fan you did an amaxing job on this figure. I have seen pics of him like this, and it is dead on
jazz04porche -
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I agree!!
evanjones1 -
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
WOW!!!! That's amazing! What wrestler was it? The likeness is SPOT ON!!!
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