Zitz (Battletoads) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:13769
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Battletoads
Creator:G Brand  
Date Added:April 2, 2009
Base Figure:WWE Body, Kylun Legs
Height:5.50 inches
Base: John Cena body and arms and the legs are from this old Kylun figure. These were parts that I never thought I'd use and it turns out that it gave the figure the perfect dimensions. Tons of sculpting and sanding. I actually used Epoxy putty for structure and then Apoxie Sculpt for the detailing work.

Weapon: 'Drilla Killa' was made from the tip of a giant novelty ink pen. I sculpted the rest with Epoxy putty and Apoxie Sculpt.

Hope you guys like him. The other two are in the works.

User Comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
... Great Battletoads!!!... I didnĀ“t see your work before until now... Great characters!!!...
Patraw -
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Pretty cool Battletoads custom; I really like the body. The face sculpt looks a bit wonky from the front, but good at an angle.
Lunarfox -
Friday, April 3, 2009
Great work, Battletoads still is one of my favorite arcade games of all time. Nothing like punching the bad guys in the the balls
CplHicks -
Friday, April 3, 2009
I love this!!!!!
You sir win at life!
Great job!
mister garbage -
Thursday, April 2, 2009
HA! Awesome! I remember lovin' me some Battletoads as a kid.
billmaru -
Thursday, April 2, 2009
awesome! I can't wait to see Rash and Pimple. Please tell me you're giving someone a "big boot".
G Brand -
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thanks Viper Prime. I hope this will bring out all of the 'Battletoads' fans.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
This is really cool. I like the the design very much. Great Job!!!
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