Mil Mascaras (Wrestling) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:14296
Name:Mil Mascaras
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Wrestling
Creator:Mono loco  
Date Added:April 26, 2009
Base Figure:Wwe unknown
Height:7.00 inches
Hello everyone. This is my first time i ever shown any of my customs. I'm glad i found you guys! You rock! ! This is mil mascaras(man of a thousand masks,or thousand masks). A very famous mexican wrestler. He wrestled in the wwf,wcw,and ajpw. I made this custom about 4 yrs. Ago so i don't remember who the figure was. I just cut the ears off,shaved the hair nice and round,and used the plastic model putty to fill the small holes and worked it around the eyes and mouth to give it the mask look. It's a very simple custom. I hope you all like it! ! ! ! ! Thanks.

User Comments
churichuro -
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
tanto este mil mascaras como el blue demon estan geniales, muy bien hechos, yo queria hacer precisamente al Santo y a Blue Demon, pero los tuyos son insuperables.
Henchmen4Hire -
Monday, April 27, 2009
Lol I like the belt
fastfreddie -
Monday, April 27, 2009
great to see MIL! fantastic!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Really cool custom man. The other day I told one of my friends that we should do one like this. You beat us to the punch. Good job, you certainly got the right body type for this one.
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