Nick Fury (Movie Style) (Marvel Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:14390
Name:Nick Fury (Movie Style)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Universe
Date Added:April 30, 2009
Base Figure:Snake Eyes
Height:3.75 inches
It seems that 3.75 inch figures are whats hot right now. Well they also are great for customizing and seeing as how many companies have made many figure like this for a while...this custom idea hit me like a bolt of lighting. I was at a couple of my local stores looking for figures and it just hit me...Nick Fury. I thought Samuel L. Jackson's cameo in Iron Man, as Nick Fury, was awsome. I was looking at my Mace Windu figure and then I started thinking about all the figures that are in the same scale and here he is. Nick Fury as portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson.

Here is the recipe:

Mace Windu: Head.
Snake Eyes: Torso, abdomin, and thighs.
Cobra Trooper: Lower legs, forearms and hands.
Gambit: Biceps, and coat.

I gave the figure some random weapons, I glued the pistol holder from the Snake Eyes figure's belt to the left leg, and an unsheethed twisty-tie and some Fixit Sculpt for the eye patch.

I hope you all enjoy, and it wouldn't suprise me to see that a figure like this one will be out on shelves in the near future. After all, it would cut down production costs. See all of you next time.

User Comments
Mono loco -
Sunday, May 10, 2009
This custom kicks BUTT!!!!!!!Great ideas man!! I also like the Red Hulk ,I think I'll give that a try.Ay te wacho!!! C-ya
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thank you so much. It took along time to make this guy. Not so much labor, but the fact that I have many ideas for others customs. I would work on him, stop, and then do another custom. That process took place a few times. I am so glad it is getting this attention because he was put to the way side a few times. Now it is his turn to shine. Thanks again.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Ironic, usely people make a snake eyes with the HML boxsets Nick Fury, and now someone makes a Nick Fury out of snake eyes! Great job!
Mentorbreak -
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Perfect job, better even thant the Marvel Legends Ultimate Nick Fury
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