The Ghost Of 1539 (Original) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:15430
Name:The Ghost Of 1539
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Original
Date Added:June 11, 2009
Base Figure:The Dark Knight Batman
Height:5.50 inches
Well I was Making Iron Patriot when I see this Batman without a head. I'm like "wow, what a waste of a good figure." But then an idea pops into my mind. I make him a headless ghost! The backstory is that he was be-headed back in the 15th century. And came back as a headless ghost. I painted him white with black drybrushing. Cape from a ML Black Panther. And the sythe from a Scarecrow. Hope you enjoy. Feedback is welcomed.

User Comments
13customs -
Thursday, June 11, 2009
that is the bloody scythe....way to use up that fodder
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