Optimus Prime (Transformers) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:15890
Name:Optimus Prime
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Transformers
Date Added:July 3, 2009
Base Figure:Optimus Prime
Height:12.00 inches
took the new ROTF Optimus and added a LED to the head and 2 to the stomach so that the "work lights" work on him. also modified the arms so there not so bulky and finished it off with a whole new paint job.

User Comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Nice work. The one thing missing from my Prime custom is Blue LED eyes. How did you manage to get the head and heck area apart to replace it. I do not know how to take apart rivets, and metal pin joint and hinges so this would be very helpful to me. Thank you.
future_trunks -
Saturday, July 4, 2009
thank you. as for the arms they were somewhat easy. I cut off the old panels and the swords. then I took some flat plastic and made a shape that I thought would look more accurate. glued a peice of metal to the arm where the swords came outta and then a magnet on the new piece so that they could be removed and the swords could be attached (with magnets also) and then they could go back on top of that. they can stay on when transformed but its easier to just remove them. the hardest part was the lights in the stomach and making it so he could still transform.
rpetras -
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Really like the look of the arms.
Is this an easy mod? can you describe it?
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