Castor Troy (Movie Masters) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:16397
Name:Castor Troy
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Movie Masters
Creator:Count Chocula  
Date Added:July 26, 2009
Base Figure:Joker Goon
Height:6.25 inches
Castor Troy, the villan from Face/Off played by Nick Cage and John Travolta. I went for the look Nic had at the start of the movie, but I'm not sure I got the suit color quite right. I made this with a movie Joker Goon, the head and feet from a Ghost Rider movie Johnny Blaze, hands from a Laura Croft, and two random pistols. Followed up with a complete repaint, sealed, and done. Does anyone know if there is a John Travolta figure in this scale?(other than the Battlefield Earth one) Thanks for looking.

User Comments
RaBoogie -
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Redmist -
Monday, July 27, 2009
So awesome, Count!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Completely awsome. Now you need Shawn Archer so this way they can "Face Off" with each other.
Goldenwolf -
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I Digg this Movie & I Love This Custom - " I Can Eat A Peach For Hours " One Of The Best Pick Up Lines In A Movie That Works In Life - I Field tested it HAHA! .
Ant -
Sunday, July 26, 2009
NNNOOO WWWAAAAYYYY!!! Face/off is my fav film, and cas is my fav character (just look at my profile pic). great job. and I think you got the suit pretty dead on, awesome
Sabretooth -
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I like it
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