Optimus Prime (Transformers - Movie) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:16411
Name:Optimus Prime
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Transformers - Movie
Date Added:July 26, 2009
Base Figure:ROTF Optimus Prime
Height:12.00 inches
I have been working on this for a really long time. There is still much more that needs to be done, but seeing as how so many of these are now popping up on the realm I figured I would add mine before it is as common as a Deadpool custom.

This is a repaint like everything else but mine has a twist. Even though it is not pictured I too have magnetic asthetics for the swords, and I am going to buy the TFC guns when they come out. What makes this custom so special is that I learned how to use choming techniques and I applied these skills to all the truck parts to make them look more like the live action truck. I air brushed Aclad laqures to get that "chrome" affect and trust me the pics do not do it justice. For those of you who do not know, to get this chome affect you need to use Aclad gloss black base, then use Aclad chome and trust me you will love the outcome (Remember they have to be airbrushed) My only regret is that I had to go through 2 Prime figures before getting it right with this one. I can still use my failed attempts for other projects so it wasn't a total loss.

I hope all of you like this one, It took a lot a paitence and please take my advise about the chrome. I am going to start trying it on other things :) Enjoy:)

User Comments
mampy -
Friday, July 31, 2009
This looks very nice. The chrome is outstanding. Too bad alclad isn't available in my country.
Unknown User -
Monday, July 27, 2009
lovely paint job.. my optimus repaint is still in the process.. takes time and patience, but u should kno that already lol. love the chrome look too! props on it!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I know. I forgot to mention that I had used Testors model master paints for the robot parts (dry brushing technique) and tamiya clear colors for the lights on the truck mode. I did use the Aclad black base for the windows because they are transparent so the LEDs still show through it.
Vash_15 -
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Oh god...I need new pants. So...amazing
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