Dean Winchester (Criminal Macabre) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:19638
Name:Dean Winchester
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Criminal Macabre
Date Added:January 29, 2010
Base Figure:Matt -Heroes
Height:7.00 inches
I Have To Give Special Thanks To bobtheodd for coming up with the base recipe of this custom creation.
As well as The creators Of The Television Show Supernatural for creating great characters & the best storylines.

Well Here We GO !
Base Recipe -
Chris Redfield Resident Evil Head
Matt Parkman from Heroes Figure

I Added To This Recipe
I pulled the lower torso off the Matt Parkman figure & added A lower torso/ hips & legs from A BSG fodder body painted it blue & dry brushed it W/ bone white & rebrushed It again W/ lite acetone & blue. I did have to trim the torso down A bit To make The Peg longer. I had to take A cutter disk & Stuck It In flat To the inside Of the Matt body to give it A flat surface so it could sit firmly I pluged the two together & perfect fit .
I gave him boots from A dusty trails spider figure I just heated & poped them out then poped the other ones in .
I painted the jacket A dark flesh brown I made the amulet from some fodder & cord , the guns Pistol & sawed off double barrel shotgun are from my collection . I tied some cord around the dimond bag He came W/ to make it look like A Hex Bag ( Thanks Again Hexbag Idea was Bob's ) & I added A flask I had from A Buffy -Spike figure you know Dean has one stashed in his coat .

Let Me Know What You Think !

User Comments
Sterek -
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Is there a way I can get my own ? I need one !
Goldenwolf -
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thanks Everyone For Checking out this Custom & Again A Special Thanks For bobtheodd for coming up With the Awesome Base Recipe & Hooking me up with the great parts .
Pudding !!!!!!!!! is what Dean screamed after he pulled his pants down to act as A diversion to throw off A nurse who almost caught them investagating A dead body while in a nuthouse/asylum ( Basically It was A Funny As Hell Moment On the Show ! )
Check Out the Sam Winchester Custom Out Now !
dreamcatcher -
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Lol. Pudding can also be a Euphemism for sex. It can be sex in general, or, for instance, sex with your best friend's girlfriend, whatever pops your bubble. yah trick yah. no tick no. I don't know who you want to pudding or if this is a phrase of Dean, not a big fan for remember that.
MrGore -
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I was looking forward for seeing finally supernatural customs.
Nice recipe, and nice execution!
cerebus -
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I love this show. well done
Ant -
Saturday, January 30, 2010
as dean himself would say, freakin sweet
Briightcore Toys -
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Awesome! I've wanted to see a custom done of Dean or Sam for a loooong time. Great choice of parts. PUDDING indeed!
Anthony's Customs -
Friday, January 29, 2010
hahahahahaha. I don't think anyone else caught this
dreamcatcher -
Friday, January 29, 2010
Great custom, he looks like Alex Sheppard from silent hill 5. Congrats.
G Brand -
Friday, January 29, 2010
Hot sauce!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Looks nice, maybe some ivory grips on the handgun, great job, you really got the look down good.
bobtheodd -
Friday, January 29, 2010
captainsnikt -
Friday, January 29, 2010
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