Fat Albert (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:21832
Name:Fat Albert
Contest:Past Toys Reborn
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Date Added:May 21, 2010
Base Figure:ML Blob
Height:8.50 inches
I distinctly remember being out for a drive with my wife, listening to a firend's retro 80's music radio show. He also plays theme songs from TV shows. My wife and I were talking when the theme song for Fal Albert came on. I may have, inadventantly, cut off whatever my wife was saying and said, "Fat Albert, I could make a Fat Albert out of Blob." (Fortunately I have a very understanding wife, actually knew what I was referring to.)

Well the base figure is as I mentioned Blob (needed too much Scuplty to use Pyro.) I actually made 2 of them, one for me and one for our friend. Basically I used Super Scuptly to make the hair, collar, sleeves, more belly, smooth out the legs to make them more like pants, and the pants cuffs. The bits of belt that you can see are from a toothpaste tube. The hair I made small "pokes" with an Exacto Knife to give it that afro look. Smoothed out and dried the Scuplty and then painted with Testors Model Master paints.

I'd consider myself still relative new at this though I have made a few figures. Any tips, comments or suggestions are welcome.
Good luck to everyone

User Comments
FatAlbertFan2005 -
Monday, April 28, 2014
I love fat albert
FatAlbertFan2005 -
Monday, April 28, 2014
Rosedale -
Saturday, June 5, 2010
LOL!, nice work!
Patraw -
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Very cool Fat Albert--the Blob was indeed a very wise choice. Overall, I think you did a great job, but I think the clothing could have benefited from some more wrinkles/folds in your sculpting (they're too smooth). And why is there a shiny spot on his belly? It mars what would otherwise be a pretty flawless presentation.
MasterMold -
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
this is insanely awesome! hahaha good work!
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