FACELLESS WARRIOR (Manowar) (Original) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:22451
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Original
Creator:Leo Customs  
Date Added:June 16, 2010
Base Figure:Randy Orton
Height:6.50 inches
Faceless warrior, from the manowar band cds e dvds covers.
I used randy orton (jakks pacific wwe deluxe agression series 23) plus many accessories. I removed the face and redid it with epoxy. The belt is made of blister plastic and pieces of other figures. The band and spikes on the thigh is epoxy and nails, the chains are real chains, glued link by link for a fixed position, mimicking movement. Painted with vinylic and spray (silver and gold) paint.

User Comments
GrooTheWanderer -
Sunday, September 2, 2012
BRUTAL! Manowar would be pleased. This is really an original custom, nice idea! Everything's perfect on him, the face, the chains, legs (but it would be better without boots), belt, weapons and diorama. Excellent, you made the best Warlord in the world.
Danowar -
Monday, January 30, 2012
THIS IS LITERALLY BEYOND AMAZING!!!!!!! Do you have another version of it you'd be willing to part with or part with this one?????

(had to word it like that to defeat the spam feature)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
This is Awsome and there needs to be more band figures like this. Now you just need to make the Metal Kings. Great custom!!!
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