Hunk (Resident Evil) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:23810
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Resident Evil
Date Added:August 25, 2010
Base Figure:Various (See Description)
Height:6.50 inches
Hunk here was a fun little fellow to make. Same basic Recipe as my Chris and Wesker, just substituted a Neca HUNK body instead of Neca Chris.

Torso: NECA HUNK (modified for better articulation)
Arms: NECA T-800 Terminator with HUNK hands
Legs: TNA Senshi mixed with NECA HUNK
Accessories: every strap and pouch and even the seams were cut off HUNK and transported to this figure

It was a pain cutting the straps and stuff off and sanding them down to be as thin as possible, but I am too lazy to sculpt straps and the like. I also Hollowed out the lower part of his upper torso, underneath his pads and put a separate tummy in there so he could have better articulation at the stomach/waste area. Now he has swivel and a ball joint connection so he can bend forward or backward, or even side to side. I am going to make him an interchangeable head so I can have a helmetless HUNK as well, but I haven't found a good head yet.

Anyways, painted and all done, let me know what you think. Thanks for looking.

User Comments
HandPrintProduction -
Saturday, October 29, 2011
but anyway I love this has to be my favourite resi custom congrats
dakota -
Monday, January 3, 2011
This is one my favorites. Awesome. I love tactical stuff. I could use it as a base for so many of my WIPs. Awesome.
Unknown User -
Monday, January 3, 2011
Looks awesome as everyone's said. The arms look a bit short since it seems like you had to lengthen the legs when you made them more articulated. For a helmetless head I would recommend Ronin from MLU two pack. He looks a lot like the HUNK that they show in the games.
BDCdiesel -
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thanks everybody!! Yeah, I got lazy with the gun. I just used the gun that NECA HUNK came with, and for some reason it was that boring grey color. Man, I wish I took a few WIP photos, I did him in a black basecoat and he looked awesome all black, perfect SWAT team member. Once again thanks to all who looked at and commented on!!!
BigDaddyrosie98 -
Friday, October 26, 2012
hey man that is a great hunk action figure how much would u want for it. [smilie=razz.gif
KJL2381 -
Friday, August 27, 2010
This is great! I wish I had like 4 of these for dios. They would make great S.W.A.T. Awesome Job!!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
This is incredible.
asch -
Thursday, August 26, 2010
another masterpice. I am with RealQuestion that You should painted his gun darker (gun-metal maybe) but figure itself is awsome
Shinobitron -
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Fantastic work as usual on your RE stuff!
The Neca Hunk looked awesome before but this took it to a new level! Great job all around!
DiceMan -
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
thats pretty sweet man great detail
bobtheodd -
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Nice work.
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