Wizard (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:24552
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Date Added:September 28, 2010
Base Figure:Cyclops
Height:6.00 inches
Bentley Wittman grew bored of being an inventor and stage performer. He decided to become a super-villain and battled the Human Torch. After facing defeat, the Wizard was inspired by the Torch's team and decided to form his own, albeit not quite as noble. Along with Sandman, Medusa, and the Trapster, they became the Frightful Four, and clashed with the Fantastic Four many times since.
This figure has been in the planning stages for a LONG time, long enough that I thought I'd the first to display here. Since then I've seen a lot of great customs using the pre-ML Wizard. My problem was that I couldn't find the right body. Finally, I decided to use Cyclops as the base. The lower legs and boots are from Mr. Fantastic, and the shoulder pads are from Mr. Sinister. As for attaching the head and gloves; I wanted to make them articulated. For the head, I started by hollowing it out. I then took a fodder head with a neck joint, cut it to size, glued it in the Wizard head, then placed it on the neck ball joint. For the gloves, I took a drill and made holes, then used the drill at an angle to make it slightly wider deeper inside the holes, then put them on the arms pegs. Both the head and the gloves rotate fine, I'm glad to say. Who says an old dog can't learn new tricks! The anti-grav disc comes from a MU Goliath, and the banded armour on the chest was made from label tape.
Thanks for looking, feel free to tell me what you think, and Make Mine Marvel!

User Comments
tommyx -
Thursday, September 30, 2010
To dbocustoms, pulpy fiction, and CFTofu: Thank you for the kind words. Always appreciated. And Mando, yeah, still haven't touched the epoxie yet. But your work inspires me to do so...
dbocustoms -
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
looks very accurate,great all around job! no wonder it took so long,excellent
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
AMAZING what you can do without using sculpt. Bravo, like always!
Unknown User -
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Dude!!! This is sweet and spot on! Like he just jumped out of the pages of the comic. It's nice to see a character who isn't posted as a custom every day too! Great paints on this guy!
CFTofu -
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Very sweet, you did some great work here.
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