Guyver Zero (Guyver) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:25408
Name:Guyver Zero
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Guyver
Date Added:November 8, 2010
Base Figure:Guyver I
Height:6.00 inches
Guyver zero -
How I made - sculpted - fully repainted

Sculpted an 8 pack
Spray painted chaos black
Base coat of knarloc green/dark angels green/mithril silver
Wash of thraka green
Highlight of the above greens but lighter
Another highlight of shining gold and mithril silver
Picked out the red details and silver details

Worked back and forth on this over the course of 7 days...

Since this was an expensive and delicate figure, I worked slowly and carefully.


User Comments
En-Ryu-Oh!2061 -
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Sorry for the late comment I just saw this Guy(ver) now and was simply Amazed by the sheer perfection in your paint work , as a fan of Anime , a collector and customizer I can't tell you how much I love this , again an Outstanding Work and I will definitively check out your other works , you got a new fan and hopefully a friend too!!!
Magnum23 -
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Oh my word you!! Are TALENTED WOW!! Willing to sell???
toxinvenom -
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Thanks! It was sold before I made it. Someone hired me to make it. If you have a Guyver I can paint him for a bill. Let me know...
yolandiboi666 -
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
I came across this piece while surfing the web, and was so impressed that I created an account on this site for the sole purpose of commending you on your outstanding work! the proportions, color, clarity...there is no shortcoming to this figure whatsoever. You are one hell of an artist. This may have just inspired me to start a new hobby! I loved action figures as a child, but I still find myself appreciating them in stores sometimes. This may be a way to rekindle by love affair in an adult way. Sorry for blabbering! Thanks and keep up the GREAT work!!
toxinvenom -
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
You are not blabbering. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart. I love comments like this. When I was a kid 5-12 I loved action figures, had a huge collection. Went through some hard times and lost everything, as an adult at 25. I bought the scarlet spider action figure and it set off my old fire I had burning. Now I collect and customize and have an entire room devoted to it. It is a great hobby that is fun and is very rewarding. I hope you get back into it and I advise you to browse this site, look for your favorite characters, you will find so many amazing customs on this site, and if you want to look at all my work, just click on toxinvenom on top right and you'll see the over 100 pieces I've made...
Unknown User -
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Doing this custom made me get into Guyver, even the Zoanoids are cool in the Anime. My favorite is when he's in pearl white and silver. Really glad you guys like him. Thanks
issaim98 -
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
WOW great work killer paint job, excellent choice on the color.
bjpalm1994 -
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cool Guyver!! He has always been one of my favorite Anime/Manga characters! Great job!
Monday, November 8, 2010
AGREED, great work.
Group customs -
Monday, November 8, 2010
this is really cool! Great job
bobtheodd -
Monday, November 8, 2010
Very nice!
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