Frogman (Animen) (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:25943
Name:Frogman (Animen)
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Date Added:December 5, 2010
Base Figure:Blackheart
Height:7.00 inches
I've always enjoyed the figures I've come across on the Realm. But as often as I've been checking out custom Marvel Legends I have never come across customs of the Ani-men (although I'm sure there are.) Besides the more well known arch enemies, this group was the first team of villians (some might say Class B bad guys) I became aware of as a kid. I thought why not give them some props, maybe even encourage some of the more talented contributors of the Realm to make a team that looks a little closer to to the originals. As you will be able to tell I didn't have to do too much to a couple of the figures. I decided to go with a version of Ani-men that more closely followed the uniforms from the Stealth Beast figure. For Frogman, the head is a custon sculpt, I wanted to go with something similiar to a MOTU Merman head. Also, I don't know if it will come out real good on the pics but the eyes are painted like those of another frog, Kermit (just for fun.) That being said I hope everyone enjoys my version of the Ani-men.

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