Doctor Who Christmas Carol Shark Carriage (Doctor Who) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:26599
Name:Doctor Who Christmas Carol Shark Carriage
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Doctor Who
Date Added:January 7, 2011
Base Figure:Doctor Who 11th Doctor Figure
Height:5.00 inches
This custom came about when I realized my Ghostbusters II figure Christmas hats fit on my 11th Doctor figure, so I decided to create the Shark-drawn carriage from the 2010 Doctor Who Christmas Special. The shark was bought from Toys R Us (Schieich Brand). The Carriage was completely constructed with Balsa wood, Basswood, brown suede lace, a lot of brown paint and hot glue, and a LOT of patience with the dremel. This took a few days to complete (although I have yet to figure out the best way to construct the canopy before it's complete-complete), however I'm still pleased with the current product. :c) Hope ye likes!

User Comments
ruredi2roc -
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Well, one comment is good enough for me. Much appreciated!
boodleoo -
Saturday, May 19, 2012
This is so good. I'm suprised nobody else has commented.
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