Icon (Legendary Comic Book Heroes) Custom Action Figure
Good day! Starting the week with this guy. He's Milestone Comics' answer to Superman... ICON! Made from a GL head and Orion body with a modified Spawn cape. Everyhting else is sculpted detail. Hope you like him guys! More pictures (vs Superman & angles) of him can be seen when you enter the thread! God bless.  Please wait... |
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Legendary Comic Book Heroes Custom on eBay
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The figures contained in the Custom Showcase are not for sale by Figure Realm, and the creators of the customs are no way affiliated with Figure Realm. The Custom Showcase is purely for entertainment purposes and only provides a means for the creators to show off their work and trade ideas. Figure Realm does not make or sell customs.
Kudo's to you !
I have been an Icon fan since DC did the Milestone line, and to see him brought to life like this is truly something special to me. For him to be merged into the DC continuity and running around with the Justice League on Young Justice was great, but man, this figure rocks all kinds of ways man. I WOULD BE HUMBLED AND HONORED TO ADD THIS TO MY COLLECTION if possible. Please keep up the fantastic work!
Adi – You have sharp eyes bro. That ring was the trickiest part to do. It has sculpted-on grey straps at the bottom and wrapped-around, loose, green straps on top. Thanks for the visit!
nice fig and pics as usual.
This is spot on man.