Street Clothes Logan with Metallic Claws (Marvel Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:27844
Name:Street Clothes Logan with Metallic Claws
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Universe
Date Added:February 28, 2011
Base Figure:Mix and Match of Several Marvel Universe Parts: Comic Pack Cyclops Upper Torso, G.I.Joe Belt, Lumbejack Logan Lower Legs from Wolverine Origins , Yellow Wolverine Head (Corrected) from the Universe Line, Sculpted Upper Pants
Height:3.50 inches
A kitbashing of parts, this Logan was inspired by the episode "lotus and the steel" from the 90's cartoon and features metallic claws and a much proportionate base body made of several parts.

User Comments
marvelman2k -
Friday, June 28, 2013
wow that is awesome
hunterknightcustoms -
Monday, July 1, 2013
Thanks! Wow I forgot all about this figure
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