Doctor Who "Partners in Crime" Donna Noble Figure (Doctor Who) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:27918
Name:Doctor Who "Partners in Crime" Donna Noble Figure
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Doctor Who
Date Added:March 3, 2011
Base Figure:Primeval Figure/ Donna Noble Figure
Height:5.00 inches
There is a "Primeval" figure that is in a suit, quite similar to the suit Donna Noble wore in the Doctor Who episode "Partners in Crime". I simply switched the head to a Donna Noble head, but the hair didn't quite fit the new body. I then replaced Donna's hair (easily removable) with that of another Primeval figure and painted it all a matching color. There was also a slight gap between the head and the new body, so I lengthened the neck a bit using epoxy. A simple red paint job to the under-shirt and VIOLA!

User Comments
JinzoCrash -
Friday, March 19, 2021
This is superb.
TheNeverEndingDrumbeat -
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
This is brilliant. Well Done
graceruby -
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Is this available to purchase? As I would absolutely love to buy this.
Unknown User -
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
nice custom of Donna, and I LOVE those little Adapose guys, they're sooo cute!
LostMatthew -
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I really don't care much for the character but kudos for this custom. If they were gonna make her at least do so in something presentable, not a fur coat. Oh by the way.. there's something on your back!!!
ruredi2roc -
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Me too. That's why I was bound and determined to create another version of her. I actually want to try a few others as well. Thanks for the kudos!
Unknown User -
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Absolutely fantastic. I hate that the only figure of Donna that was released was of her in the fur coat.
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