Doctor Who "the Doctor's Daughter" Jenny Figure (Doctor Who) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:28356
Name:Doctor Who "the Doctor's Daughter" Jenny Figure
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Doctor Who
Date Added:March 25, 2011
Base Figure:Primeval Abby Maitland Figure
Height:5.00 inches
I have seen a lot of great customs of this character before, but never on this site. I figured I would give it a try.

This was a great figure to start with, so not a lot of major changes made. The base figure (I'll just call it "Abby") had the perfect face and clothes. Her shirt was a bit low cut, so in order to make it Jenny's standard military greet t-shirt, I used epoxy to sculpt the shirt from the bust-line to her neck. I smoothed it out best I could, and when it dried, I used my dremel to sand it down a bit smoother. I also lengthened her sleeves a bit the same way. The only other major sculpt was the hair. Most of her hair is left the same, but I did crop a little off the back and used epoxy to clear the edging. I then created her ponytail using epoxy, molded it to the rest of her hair, and once it dried I painted it all pretty close to Abby's original hair color.

The rest was just paint. I painted her shirt a deep green and her pants were simply black. It took a few coats to make sure Abby's blue jeans and BRIGHT PINK shirt weren't showing through anywhere. :cP Her belt is scratch made from an old camera strap and a epoxy buckle.

Hope ya likes! Thanks for lookin'!

User Comments
River -
Friday, July 1, 2011
This is the first Jenny I have seen. She is great!
What paint did you use? How did you get it to stay on?
ruredi2roc -
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Thanks for the comment! Actually, I only used acrylics. It sticks to the epoxy (hair and shirt) pretty well, but if you mess with the figure too much, the paint can rub off pretty quick. I can get away with this because I only have her displayed on my shelf.
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