Sammi Curr (Mego) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:29210
Name:Sammi Curr
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Mego
Date Added:April 30, 2011
Base Figure:Al Bundy/Married With Children
Height:8.00 inches
This is definitely a character that I would have never done if it wasn't a request for a good friend. It is Sammi Curr, from the 80's horror movie Trick Or Treat. My good buddy Richard, who is a tattoo artist, is a big fan of the movie and wanted a figure, so I traded him the figure for a tattoo (in case you're wondering, I am getting a Big Jim's P.A.C.K. wolf's head tattooed on the back of my left hand, just like the toys! I know, I'm crazy...). Anyway, he brought a copy of the movie over and we watched it while I slapped this toy together (although I did the sculpting beforehand), it was fun. And he is real happy with the figure, so as a toymaker that is a real good feeling knowing that you made something that somebody will cherish for a long time, maybe even the rest of their lives. Bringing a little joy into someone else's life, that's what being a toymaker is all about (to me, anyway). Especially in this day and age...

Head - CTVT Married With Children Al Bundy (who'd a thunk it?)/Aves Apoxie
Hair - McFarlane Wetworks Vampire
Body - CTVT re-strung male body
Boots - CTVT
Shirt - Barbie Catwoman
Gloves - Barbie Catwoman
Pants/Belt - Barbie Joan Jett
Armbands - GI Joe rubber bands
Handcuffs - from Neca Sin City girl
Wristband - Barbie Joan Jett
Chains/Collar - fodder bin

Thanks for checking this out! And good luck to you!

User Comments
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Very Cool. It's been a while since I have done any customs and I thought about doing something from an overlooked 80's horror movie like this. You should make a variant with W.A.S.P. singer Blackie Lawless as Sammy Curr. He was originally cast to play the part but something didn't work out. Nice work my friend.
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