COV Jodvik (Justice League) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:3071
Name:COV Jodvik
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Justice League
Date Added:June 28, 2007
Base Figure:Hawkman
Height:6.50 inches
This is my City of Villains main Character... Jodvik, the Master of Olympus. Long story short... he's the son of the titan Atlas and a mortal woman. He is one of the few powerful last generations of gods that survived the War of the Titans.

I used a Hawkman base figure, epoxy to make the helmet, acrylics and Beta Ray Bill cape. Since Beta Ray aint a god, Jodvik didn't have any trouble at all taking it from him. But watch out Thor... Jodvik likes your cape too. :)

User Comments
yoyi_x -
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thanks a lot for the compliment! I had a hard time getting the "horns" it was fun to do. About the Beta Ray...o I hate my GF gave it to me but I just didn't like the what a better thing to be Jodvik's punching bag!! lol.
Redmist -
Friday, June 29, 2007
I like what this guy's doin' to Beta-Ray! Looks cool and your sculpting's getting better. I'd like to see you take another crack at the Statesman some time.
Punstarr -
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Nice work! Really eerie, too... the fig I'm working on now is a CoH character of mine.
Greg8624 -
Thursday, June 28, 2007
This one is like, ultron cool
I really like its accuracy
good work man
love your stuff
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