Himura Kenshin (Stikfas) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:3130
Name:Himura Kenshin
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Stikfas
Date Added:July 2, 2007
Base Figure:Microman male
Height:3.00 inches
This is my Himura Kenshin. The great Hitokiri Battousai. A really simple custom. I used a Microman Male body a spare sword that I have left and the head of a Samurai X ministatue. Hope that u like it.

User Comments
yoyi_x -
Thursday, July 5, 2007
thanks for the good comments! It does not have hand or finger articulation. But each Microman comes with a set of 4 pair of different hands (fist, open hands, like carring a gun and a semi open). I buy them from a website. The challenge with this figures is the clothes and the paint job.
I was planning on making the Battousai figure. For those of you that arent familiar with it, the Battousai do not have the X shaped scar, have gloves like a ninja and have a menacing threating look. Not anime like this one.
Thanks again for the comments.
Unknown User -
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Man thats so FREAKIN cool
If I ever have the sight to customise my old Starwars figures - this microman base looks really super poseable
thats awesome man - cool stuff
has he got poseable fingers too?
trigun22 -
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
wow! this is a really cool Kenshin keep love the clothes
future_trunks -
Monday, July 2, 2007
I like it, maybe fix the shirt a little so its not so open but other than that I love it. kenshin is my favorite anime series ever!!
Punstarr -
Monday, July 2, 2007
Wow, that's some super cool posability!
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