Stinky Diver (Misc) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:31772
Name:Stinky Diver
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Misc
Date Added:August 10, 2011
Base Figure:G.I. Joe Shipwreck from 1994
Height:3.75 inches
I am aware that a user named harveytwoface999 already posted a custom of this guy, but I thought I would add him since I have a showcase of Action League figures I made myself and have to include him.

Stinky Diver is a character from the old Nickelodeon show, Action League Now and is made from an old G.I. Joe Shipwreck figure from 1994. Basically his flippers, leg bands, torso band, and gloves are painted orange along with his scuba mask being put on backwards with the oxygen tubes removed. I used Testors gloss enamel paint for the recolored parts of the figure and a basic pair of scissors to cut off the oxygen tubes.

User Comments
harveytwoface999 -
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Looks great! What I love about these Stinky Diver customs is that they're so easy to make, but they're so recognizable once they're done xD
SpooferJahk -
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I also like that it is still recognizable even without modification. XD
TheGr8One -
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Lol cool!
Wakeangel2001 -
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Stinky Diver, a former navy commando with an attitude as bad as his odor...On the show he didn't look any different from a regular GI Joe figure, I sometimes thought I saw him on shelves.
Sith Ghost -
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Awesome!! I used to watch this on Kablam and when it was its own show, nice work
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