The Flesh (Misc) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:31800
Name:The Flesh
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Misc
Date Added:August 11, 2011
Base Figure:Conan The Adventurer Cona w/Needle
Height:7.50 inches
Here is an internet first, a custom figure of The Flesh from Action League Now! This one was a fun one to do since no one else had attempted it before that I know of, and trying out a method of modifying it that sounded like it wouldn't work out.

The base figure used was an old Conan The Adventurer figure that included his bird and had pull string slashing action. I utilized a combination of sandpaper and a dremel tool to get rid of Conan's loin cloth, wrist bands, necklace, and boots to make him look naked. After that I repainted Conan to have a different skin tone to blend in the sanded parts and his hair along with his eyebrows. I used some acrylic paints for it and gave it a glossy finish after painting which made him a bit darker, but it still looks good in my books. I didn't go a step further to make his torso and head twistable, but I was not willing to gut open this figure to do such a thing since I could ruin it in the process. The figure still has the pull string mechanism for Conan's slashing mechanism and I kept it since it would be a pain to make the arm secure and I want to be immature and make dirty jokes with him around my friends who are fans of the show to get them to laugh. :P

User Comments
YugiRebus120 -
Saturday, May 25, 2013
What color and kind of acrylic paints did you use to repaint Conan with?
mr_mxyzptlk05 -
Monday, August 15, 2011
DUDE! He's Super-Strong! and Super-NAKED!
TheGr8One -
Thursday, August 11, 2011
RFOL dude I miss that show! Thanks for the old memories & making me laugh. Great job!
SpooferJahk -
Thursday, August 11, 2011
@Wakeangel2001 The figure they used for the show was a modified Conan The Adventurer figure instead of a He-Man figure, but still thanks for the comment.

@brothertoastycakes I have a WIP thread of the whole group posted in the forums, I will eventually make all the main characters. I can't say when it will all be finished since the base figures are hard to find so I will go with a, "When it's done" approach to the project.
Wakeangel2001 -
Thursday, August 11, 2011
wow, I'm actually surprised I never saw a custom of him before, since his character on the cartoon was basically a he-man figure with no accessories. But you nailed the look perfectly.
brothertoastycakes -
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Holy balls, Batman! What a blast from the past! Recognized him right away. Major props for this one! Can we expect to see the rest of the Action League? ...with the power to...MELT!
CaptainCustoms -
Thursday, August 11, 2011
LOL I remember that show. This is very original and turned out well.
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