Baron Ünderbheit (Venture Bros.) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:3243
Name:Baron Ünderbheit
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Venture Bros.
Date Added:July 13, 2007
Base Figure:DCSH Bizzaro
Height:6.50 inches
This would be the one and only Baron Ünderbheit from Adult Swim's Venture Bros. This figure was one of the first ones I was considering doing when I wanted to take up customing recently. He's actually been finished for a few months I just haven't been able to get him online because of a recent move. He started as a DCSH Bizzaro figure. I removed his "beat up" cape and shaved off his hair. I then added DCSH Superman cape and apoxied my heart out. all the free sculpts are: his signature "lumpy bald head", his jaw (which I was very proud of), his shoulder pads, chest & stomach armor, hand and arm gauntlets, top part of his cape (cowl), boot trim, and finally his Ünder World emblems and sash. his kilt or...ummm skirt was made from Tandy leather while his neck support was made from a foamy sheet for flexability. He was painted almost entirely with Citadel paints except for the black which was Tamia. I plan to add to him later and maybe clean some areas I think can use some work but other then that I think I got a pretty bad bum German exchange student on my hands. Feel free to leave feedback!!!

User Comments
bagalazino -
Thursday, November 5, 2009
This one is so well done, great job on the jaw, adult swim needs toy makers like you!
Redmist -
Monday, June 16, 2008
That's soo freakin' dead on... good job!
VariablePenguin -
Friday, July 13, 2007
Nice job!
rpetras -
Friday, July 13, 2007
Many compliments on this one!
Nice choice of character. Great use of base figure and I love the use of multiple materials.
Good work all around!
trigun22 -
Friday, July 13, 2007
sweet custom keep it up!
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