The Mayor (Misc) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:32513
Name:The Mayor
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Misc
Date Added:September 5, 2011
Base Figure:Playskool Play People Doctor body and Father head
Height:6.30 inches
Here is his dishonor The Mayor.

Welp, another Action League figure to knock off the checklist and I figured why not work on the league's villain The Mayor after making The Flesh. The base figures I used were an old Playskool Play People doctor figure for the body and the head of a father figure of the same brand. I popped off the head used for this figure using a screwdriver for assistance and utilized a dremel tool to get rid of the doctor's head and stethoscope for making the Mayor. I then attached the head to the doctor's body with some hot glue and repainted the body for the figure along with the head to give the Mayor his trademark arched eyebrows from the show.

This figure did not turn out perfect and that is mainly because this figure was a pain to paint and I had to redo parts of him several times. This was the best I was able to concoct and I think he turned out good in my eyes.

User Comments
harveytwoface999 -
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
That looks so cool! You beat me to the punch with this one too - I have those base figures laying around somewhere, better get to work xD
SpooferJahk -
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Hey why it is none other than harveytwoface999, the guy who initially started the whole thing! Thanks for the comment, I am hoping I can finish the project eventually myself but school has taken up my time as of late.
YugiRebus120 -
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Better get to work on Thundergirl if you know what's good for you!
GeekSummit -
Monday, September 5, 2011
What mayor is this? I made on of our Mayor here in Memphis because he sucked too.
SpooferJahk -
Monday, September 5, 2011
This is not any specific Mayor of a city, but the character called, "The Mayor" from the classic Nickelodeon show Action League Now.
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