Sentry (DC Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:3279
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:DC Universe
Date Added:July 17, 2007
Base Figure:Batzarro
Height:6.75 inches
Hi, this is my Sentry custom. I saw one on a website (sorry, but can't remember who did that custom), and it inspired me to do one. It took me a while to make the hair since I wanted to make it with some movement. my first time using Fixit Sculp. WOOJOO!! lol

I used a Batzarro figure with an Aquaman Head. I had to modify the head so it can fit in the body.


User Comments
yoyi_x -
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I'm reworking it I'm trying to fix the chest and the hands color. Ill post it when finish! thanks for the advice.
Unknown User -
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
whats "yellow on a suit and yellow hair" in comics is Always different to whats on a figure
Manufacturers weren't on crack - they just had a surplus mountain of babycrap colored paint
Punstarr -
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Heh, no worries. Man, the manufacturer's on crack then. It doesn't clash at all in the comics.
yoyi_x -
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Yeah, I put some Fixit on the chest, need to be more carefull in that. And don't worry, I take all the comments by the good side. I didn't know Sentry has yellow hair. All the pictures I had seen his hair was light brown. Oh well, maybe I need to read its comic.
Thanks for the good comments!
Hemble -
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Very well done on Sentry and nice use of parts.
Unknown User -
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
tell that to toybiz - both sentry variants were that hair coloring so it wouldn't clash with his suit yellow
I hate yellow - but sentry is a cool character - great job on this
Punstarr -
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The sculpted hair looks really cool, but isn't Sentry a blonde?
geki69er -
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I absolutly love this recipe for this character. the paint on the chest is kinda lumpy, did you put the fix it sculpt on his chest? I think you did a very good paint job with the yellow. its a really tough color to get. the hands and the face need a median color to. Please take my critique as just helpful suggestions, I wouldn't make any comment if I didn't love this guy, which I do. Anyways, good job with your first sculpt job, try and mabey go smooth it out later I think you would be even more stoked if his chest was uniform with the rest. Keep up the awsome work!!
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