Shadow Command Megatron 2 (Transformers) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:34414
Name:Shadow Command Megatron 2
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Transformers
Date Added:November 20, 2011
Base Figure:supreme starscream
Height:15.00 inches
This is my version of Transformers Supreme Class SHADOW COMMAND Megatron. Another custom from my own old collection. I made this custom inspired by the generations megatron and by the ROTF Shadow Command Megatron but I wanted to get out from the basic usual megatron versions and created my own style. I added custom remolded head on a ball joint, custom made fusion cannon that can shoot spring loaded missiles from the sides also it can be attached to the tank and can be rotated around and goes up and down, the custom tank wheels in the front can be moved up and down and rotate around also they can be pushed in to form a round wheel and pulled back to form the tank wheel. The thank wheel on the back can be removed as well and stored in the back of the legs in robot mode as seen in the pictures. The custom shoulder cannons that rotate and can be removed and placed in the lower peg of the shoulder too, and also shot spring loaded missiles. Added cracked paint effect here and there and custom painted battle damage. it was fun to do.

User Comments
Sunday, December 23, 2012
can I commison 1
yugiohcardmaker1 -
Friday, November 25, 2011
your welcome ps you should try mecha bumble bee
RedRebelCustoms -
Monday, November 21, 2011
Amazing work bro!
doybandoy -
Sunday, November 20, 2011
This looks real!
yugiohcardmaker1 -
Sunday, November 20, 2011
any more cubertronian mecha guys comin
lhandlott -
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I was working on sideswipe but lost the base mecha figure, right now I got one coming up I just can't decide what character to make. lol, thank you for asking and for looking at my work
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