Maria Aka Peaches with the Morbidophone! (Original) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:36042
Name:Maria Aka Peaches with the Morbidophone!
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Original
Date Added:January 19, 2012
Base Figure:Vandala / Faith buffy figure
Height:6.00 inches
the figure was made as a gift for christmas. For a girl i know that i met at comic con. she was really nice and i didnt ask for her name nor number and felt bad about it. thinking i would never see her again. to my suprise i saw her again at the REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA Attk Shadowcast as one of the cast members. i befriended her ever since. My attempts to ask her out have fail, so i decided to make her something awsome,and since nothing is more awsome then her, i made her this. and I"m proud to say she liked it. everything about the figure was made just for her with most of her favorite fandoms.

she sings too, so i also made her, her own custom microphone. this microphone was inspired by maria. She also was the one that named it. "The Morbidophone!"

head:Dark Alliance Vandala with heavy modifications
body: Faith
boots: Hellboy 2 Liz Sherman
glasses: handmade

the mic and accessories are handmade with fodder

the figure took me a month and a half, to finish it. the reason why i posting it, its that its my best work yet.

User Comments
NeCrollector -
Sunday, August 18, 2013
WOW, brother! Beautifully done! A true labor of love! Welcome to the Realm!
bluereaper923 -
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
thanks but she ended up hating me lol
The Watcher -
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Cool! Good luck... lol
bluereaper923 -
Friday, January 20, 2012
thank you
claytonemery -
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Boy, if that doesn't land her, nothing will! Fantastic work.
bluereaper923 -
Friday, January 20, 2012
thanks and you maybe right too
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