Battle Cry Superman (Marvel Legends) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:3619
Name:Battle Cry Superman
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Marvel Legends
Date Added:August 14, 2007
Base Figure:Iron Fist
Height:6.11 inches
Hi guys!! I like Superman a lot. But I like him more when he gets angry and use all of his strengh. Unfortunately only a few figures show the evil and/or angry side of him. But, after reading a comic where some guys killed Lois and he gets mad and killed a few Supervillains in like "Puff you are death"...and seeing the amazing superman made by DDA, I tried to make and angry one. So...I proudly give you my Battle Cry Superman. WOOJOO! Second time using Fixit Sculp for hair. I think it come out very well. Heres the recipe:

Iron First Upper Body
Moonknight Lower Body
Sota Ryu Head
DC Direct Superman cape
Fixit for hair


User Comments
Henchmen4Hire -
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
...What, you don't like Fei Long as Superman?
Definitely the perfect Movie Superman custom.
Collector1 -
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Can't say I'm a fan of this. It just doesn't look good to me. Sorry.
Kern -
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Can't quite tell if they are allready, but - if this is a P.O.'ed Supes, his eye should be a blazing red colour.
geki69er -
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
good job man. I would personally have both heads available to change with the way you pose him. I would have also used a more beefy body, just because I'm thinking of comic superman, but as a movie figure its closer to the proportion. I really think you concept is awesome, but those things I said is solely just my opinion. awesome job on the paint aps you captured the colors perfectly. keep it up, if you end up changing anything, post it, I would love to see it.
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