DC Eradicator (DC Universe) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:37435
Name:DC Eradicator
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:DC Universe
Date Added:March 8, 2012
Base Figure:Red Tornado
Height:6.00 inches
In the distant past, a dying alien race created a number of containment devices in which to preserve their culture. They sent them into space with contact teams, intent on meeting other civilizations. When a small group of these aliens arrived on the planet Krypton, they were met by the militant Kem-L, who killed them and corrupted one of their devices. Its new mission was to preserve his ideal of Kryptonian culture by eradicating all others - and thus the device became known as the "Eradicator."

This was an old custom, but since I was taking pictures... he made it to the Realm.

Base: Red Tornado
Cape: Superman figure (dont remember which one)
Aves Epoxie for details.

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