Scarlet Spider (Minimates) Custom Miniature / Figurine
Custom #:37467
Name:Scarlet Spider
Custom Type:Miniature / Figurine
Toy Series:Minimates
Date Added:March 9, 2012
Base Figure:Battle Damaged Daredevil
Height:2.00 inches
One of the characters that DST hasn't made an updated version yet.
Details were patterned from my 6" Scarlet Spidey custom.

User Comments
ruredi2roc -
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
EXCELLENT Minimate customs, my friend!!! Very nice detail and great concepts. This one is great and I especially dig your SPAWN. I know how difficult making such a small scale custom can be. Check out my customs, I've done a few minimates myself.
Squall -
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Thanks. Will do!
NeCrollector -
Friday, March 9, 2012
I love the paint apps!
Awesome job!
evanjones1 -
Friday, March 9, 2012
I love the little hood and eyes. Great job!
ACCustomFigures -
Friday, March 9, 2012
Hey man, love the SS mini! I posted him as my Figure of the Week on my site, ACCustomFigures dot com. Trying to bring some good vibes to the realm. AC
Squall -
Friday, March 9, 2012
Thanks. Really Appreciate it.
JmTrtt -
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wow, I've never been a huge fan of the Minimates, but this is just friggin amazing!!
Bushinryus40th -
Friday, March 9, 2012
If Diamond got around to making this fella it sure as @#$% ain't gonna look this good! Not to knock on the detail of MiniMates because they're awesome, buuuuuut not this cool! Great work brotha this kills!
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Minimates Custom on eBay
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DCUC Modern Crime Syndicate of Amerika BoxsetSubmission OrderGray Hulk
SpawnMinimates SeriesIron Spider-Man
SpawnCreated by SquallKratos
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