Red Lantern Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:38315
Name:Red Lantern Hal Jordan
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Green Lantern
Date Added:April 13, 2012
Base Figure:Red Lantern Skallox DCUC
Height:6.00 inches
Completion Time:3.00 hours
Articulation:20 points
This has been done before but I wanted one for myself, and I didn't want to pay the crazy prices for the DC Direct comic con version. They don't have as much articulation, and they are kind of plain. It started out as the DCUC Red Lantern Skallox figure. To get rid of the armor on the arms and legs I swapped them out for the Medphyll arms and legs. I had an extra Black lantern Hal head, to give him that extra "rage" look. Did the swaps, and then just repainted him. I cut the red ring off of the Skallox hand, and added it to the left hand of the figure. I feel this little detail is often overlooked. So he has both the green and red rings. Really simple, but I am happy with the results. I'm going to do all the different color Hal Jordans, and next will be the orange one!

User Comments
category5customs -
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The chainsaw came with the DC direct red lantern Guy Gardner figure. He is not a custom, I just wanted another red lantern with Hal.
saber4734 -
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Great work. But what caught my eye was the red chainsaw. Where did you get that?
JmTrtt -
Friday, April 13, 2012
Really love this one! it looks fantastic. One question, where did that chainsaw come from?
NeCrollector -
Friday, April 13, 2012
Awesome custom!
I got to get around to making me one of these.

Yours turned out perfect. I love the use of the Black Lantern Hal head. It gives this RL Hal that extra touch.
TheRealSupaMan -
Friday, April 13, 2012
TheRealSupaMan -
Friday, April 13, 2012
Really awesome looking! Love, absolutely love the head!!! Was a perfect choice! I agree with you on some of the Comic Con items the prices are nuts! Regardless of what figure it is it is still a figure! Awesome job man!
TheRealSupaMan -
Friday, April 13, 2012
Really awesome looking! Love, absolutely love the head!!! Was a perfect choice! I agree with you on some of the Comic Con items the prices are nuts! Regardless of what figure it is it is still a figure! Awesome job man!
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