All Lantern Kyle Rayner (Green Lantern) Custom Action Figure
This figure is based on Kyle Rayner from the DC New 52 New Guardians Comic. In one of the issues, Kyle ends up wearing a ring from each of the 7 colored lantern corps. He transforms into what you see here. I thought he looked really cool so decided to make him in action figure form. The base figure is a DC Classics Kyle Rayner figure. Painted up to match his comic appearance. I sculpted his mask, upper chest armor, and the collar around his neck. I also sculpted on his rings and tried to add a little detail to each ring. His belt is made out of a rubber band, painted and super glued on. I wanted to get the perfect detail for each of the corps symbols, so I printed them out on some address labels I had and stuck them on. I'm very happy with the way he turned out. I hope all green lantern fans enjoy!  Please wait... |
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