Rick (from "Splatterhouse 3") (Splatterhouse) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:39557
Name:Rick (from "Splatterhouse 3")
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Splatterhouse
Date Added:June 1, 2012
Base Figure:rotocast hulk
Height:13.00 inches
Articulation:14 points
every time i see a rick custom it's usually one from the latest game in the series, and usually made with hulk as a recipe, i love that game but to me rick didn't look as muscular as hulk, he's just bulky in that game, so when i decided to make a rick with a hulk as a recipe i thought it was better to make him as he appears in the third game when he transforms, because it would be more accurate and because even thought i love the latest game i still prefer the original trilogy (but my favorite is still the first!)

i started this like a year ago (maybe more) and got it done kind of fast (fast for me, that means a couple of months) but the problem was that i wanted his pants to be made with fabric, not sculpted and i spend MONTHS trying to find a piece of fabric that i liked, and i didn't find it so i used this because i wanted to get this guy complete.

Now the process: first i dremeled off hulks hair and sculpted the mask, it's based on a mix between the mask that appeared in the life bar in splatterhouse 3, the mask from the latest game and my own vision. then i painted everything black and start painting, i painted a pale skin color and then paint and wiped the second color which was a darker one, then painted the mask white, the holes black and above that black color a metallic red which was later given a coat of varnish, painted his feet to make them look dirt and his knuckles to make them look broken
the last thing was the pants, it was my first try at tailoring and it came out really good I'm satisfied with the result.

this is my first "full" custom (at least the first one finished, i got older stuff unfinished) and i hope you liked it, any comment is appreciated and correction on writing too! ('cause i don't speak english)

EDIT: changed the second picture and added the sprite from the game which was my reference trough the work

User Comments
Jat70 -
Friday, June 22, 2018
Did you hand painted or airbrush the figure
Big Bad Faolo -
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Very nice job! If you don't mind me asking, what do you use to sculpt?
Nuke -
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
thanks man! and, I don't mind at all , I use the only thing that is available here in chile which is a two component epoxy putty called "parcecs"
Ole Jade Jaw -
Friday, June 1, 2012
Nahice!! This looks great! That headsculpt is awesome.
NeCrollector -
Friday, June 1, 2012
That face sculpt is intense! Perfect paint apps!!! The pants turned out perfect!
fastfreddie -
Friday, June 1, 2012
Looks awesome! I was just looking at that new game the other day and thinking about getting it
Nuke -
Friday, June 1, 2012
thanks! you should get it, it's really good and it also comes with the first 3 games, that was the main reason for me to get it
Jin Saotome -
Friday, June 1, 2012
AHHHH! Awesome!!! That is an amazing face sculpt!
Nuke -
Friday, June 1, 2012
thanks! part of the inspiration for this one was your rick custom, that's why I used the "paint wipe" it was ther first time I tried it and I really like how it looks
firefly -
Friday, June 1, 2012
scary! but very cool custom!!!!
Nuke -
Friday, June 1, 2012
thank you! I guess I always aim to make my figures look scary (:
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