Wildcat Alex Ross JSA Version (DC Direct) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:40289
Name:Wildcat Alex Ross JSA Version
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:DC Direct
Date Added:June 26, 2012
Base Figure:JSA Starman
Height:6.70 inches
This figure is based on a cancelled DC Direct figure from 2009. They had planned to release a third wave of their Alex Ross JSA figures, but cancelled it. Wildcat was the only figure known to have been tooled and the sculptor, Mike Locasio, has pictures of it on his Deviantart page.

I attempted to recreate it using the Starman buck, which is the generic body that Locasio was basing a lot of his figures on back then, including Wildcat.

The hands are from Superman with electrical tape for wrist wrapping. The lower legs are just sculpted over Starman's. The mask is sculpted over Alex Ross Hawkman's unmasked head with whiskers made of fishing line.

User Comments
StrangePlanet -
Thursday, July 5, 2012
That's a fantastic job. Mostly the mask, you did a great job on the mask. Fishing line works great!
mmlm999 -
Monday, July 2, 2012
Hey man can you message my email

shorejersey36 @ yahoo .com
NeCrollector -
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Beautiful customs!
ManyMack Creationz -
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Super clean, nice work!
fastfreddie -
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
That is right on, man! I was saddened also when they cancelled the line
category5customs -
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
This was a cool set of figures, and a great job in making yours.
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