Zeus (Mythology Creatures) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:41238
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Mythology Creatures
Date Added:July 27, 2012
Base Figure:BAF Darkseid/Apache Chief
Height:9.50 inches
Completion Time:30.00 hours
Articulation:15 points
Wave 1 of my greek gods series is complete. Zeus is the "BAF" of the set! I thought it fitting that the king of the gods be larger than life (and the rest of the gods). Zeus is the king of the greek gods and rules from Mt Olympus. He is the god of sky and thunder, and is known as the father of gods and men. All rise in his presence.

BAF Zeus is: ML Maestro head, with some sculpting to the hair, ML gray hulk arms, CNC Darkseid torso and lower legs, CNC apache Chief legs. Sculpt and fodder round out the king.

Once I get some time of from school, I will start on wave 2!! Keep an eye out for Ares, Hades, athena and more! This has been a lot of fun!! Thanks for looking !

User Comments
Ric -
Monday, August 21, 2017
How can you purchase these figures?
CAb00se -
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
These guys are pretty old. Not sure if they are in a sellable condition any more.
yaoutm45 -
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Poor Zeus is bald...lol. He is a great looking figure! Great job!
pulpyfiction -
Friday, July 27, 2012
You needed something impressive for Zeus, and you did not let us down! Great job, I love the darkseid torso use, and the blends with the hulk arms, looks very form fitting! nice work on the paints too.
Hey that's one pleasantly prolific personal pantheon you've created there! So cool to see the group, I thought I'd use some alliteration to say so!
Skiman -
Friday, July 27, 2012
Totally Awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ole Jade Jaw -
Friday, July 27, 2012
Well don't this just beat all?.... No, really, I mean he looks like he'd beat the mamalian digestive waste product out of anybody. Very cool buddy.
The Watcher -
Friday, July 27, 2012
^^Lmao! Great set of customs!!
NeCrollector -
Friday, July 27, 2012
Amazing set! Zeus looks perfect towering over the others!
fastfreddie -
Friday, July 27, 2012
that is one "godly" set of customs! I love your take on these guys and it can really spark some ideas for a lot of creative minds here on the 'realm! Amazing stuff
claytonemery -
Friday, July 27, 2012
Really well done. Looks like Odin's cousin. (And aren't all gods like royalty, in that they're related?) Terrific to see executions of the original "superheroes".
scarecrow studios -
Friday, July 27, 2012
he looks great and thats an awesome set. best reuse of sinister shoulder pads ever.
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