Ultimate Hawkeye (Avengers) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:43420
Name:Ultimate Hawkeye
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Avengers
Date Added:October 8, 2012
Base Figure:Avengers movie Hawkeye
Height:3.75 inches
I was in the market for an Ultimate-style Hawkeye with better articulation and a non-Jeremy Renner head; something that could go back and forth between my movie and Ultimates lineups.

I started with a movie Hawkeye and ditched his extremities. Used Winter Solider's legs, Pursuit of Cobra Duke's arms, Cobra Shocktrooper hands, and a Marvel Universe Steve Rogers head. I added some arrows to the quiver and rotated it for a right-handed bowman, slapped on a fresh coat of paint, and sealed him up with matte spray.

User Comments
marvelman2k -
Friday, August 30, 2013
awesome custom the ultimates is my faveourite comic
The Watcher -
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Nice job!
NeCrollector -
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Cool Hawkeye!
Rogue -
Monday, October 8, 2012
Great looking Hawkeye!! Good job!!
ferrytalecustoms -
Monday, October 8, 2012
Works pretty good for the character, maybe a pair of sunglasses and it will look even better
HisDivineShadow -
Monday, October 8, 2012
awesome! really nice look for hawkeye, I hated the old head, too big for the body. great work!
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